With a police escort, flashing lights, much interest from the senior citizen residences, and top management from Mobile Modular to assist with traffic control, the first two modular units were delivered to 1000 5th Street this morning.
Accokeek Fence Company and Rodriguez Remodeling and Construction Company completed the site preparation work to enable the tractor trailers transporting the modulars to access the site safely.
The next group will be trucked onto the site this Friday, August 5th.
From top to bottom:
1. Our temporary School's Main Entrance. Kelly Young, Operations Manager, and Dave Etzel, Mobile Modular, lead the way.
2. The first modular unit. Each modular unit is one half of a room. On the left is the future PreKindergarten classroom and on the right in this unit will be the IT Frame Room and the Head of School's Office.
3. Two truck crews, lead and follow trucks and site installation. Many people are pitching in to get the School up and running.
4. Our Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) escort.
5. Turning from M Street to 5th Street, SE, was difficult -- not a surprise -- by an illegally parked car.
6. The modular units arrived driving east on M Street, SE. Van Ness School is to the left.
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