Capitol Hill Day School Building Addition

Through the upcoming renovation of the Dent building, the School will realize a long term strategic goal of supporting and strengthening our programs by improving and updating our facility.

The School has established this blog to inform parents, friends, neighbors, and students of the status of the project. Please check the site often or subscribe to the RSS feed for notification of when new items are posted.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Magnolia Plumbing -- On the job in the coldest weather!

The first day of 2010 Winter Break found the School's front sidewalk, steps, and the sidewalk on South Carolina Avenue covered by a sheet of ice. Both safety and resource concern. Someone turned then left running the water spigot.

Magnolia Plumbing, a firm that has worked with us for more than a decade, proposed then installed safety spigots that will make it substantially more difficult for this vandalism to reoccur.

Mike Kromer, Jr., our man in blue, does look a bit chilly!

Heating System -- More Technology!

C. L. Hibbard Plumbing and Heating came to the School's rescue several years ago when our mega-boiler ceased working on very cold days because the pressure in Washington Gas's Second Street pipe was not high enough to meet the boiler's safe operating standard. Hibbard installed five small Peerless units that cycle on or off depending on outside air temperature and interior comfort.

These pictures show the units' first significant "upgrade," new motherboards and controls enabling even greater efficiency. In the first picture, Mike opens up the units to disconnect the wiring, Charlie Hibbard, above, inspects the parts delivery, and Chip Hibbard, the tech guy, below, wires in the new motherboard to complete the installation.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

2010 - 2011 Neighborhood Forum Meetings

Capitol Hill Day School has scheduled the following dates for the Quarterly Neighborhood Forum:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Each meeting will be from 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm

We welcome our neighbors to these sessions which are designed to keep you informed about our activities.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dent School featured at Historical Society of Washington, DC Exhibit

The Historical Society of Washington's exhibit "Schools for All, A History of DC Public School Buildings," includes Capitol Hill Day School's Dent School Building. The program notes that "The preservation of these historic schools continues to enrich the District of Columbia both culturally and financially."

Richard Wallach, Washington DC's mayor (1861-1868) is given credit for launching the golden age of school construction in DC. The Franklin School at 13th and K Streets NW and the Charles Sumner School at 17th and M Streets, NW remain the most significant from an architectural perspective. Wallach School, built in 1864, the first constructed and named for the mayor, was replaced by Hine Junior High School. Other photos feature Lennox, Giddings, the original Brent School, and the "French School," now CHAW.

Many of these schools were designed by Adolf Cluss, a German immigrant who came to Washington to work as a draftsman and engineer at the Washington Navy Yard. As an architect he designed 90 buildings in DC of which 11, including Eastern Market, remain.

The exhibit is open from Sunday, July 18, and through September 26, 2010 at the Historical Society, 801 Street, NW, at Mount Vernon Square.

More information:

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Capitol Hill Day School -- Technology on the March!

Capitol Hill Day School hired Community IT Innovators, Inc. ( to complete an infrastructure upgrade to its computer network and hardware. With CITI's assistance we will enhance internet security, increase internet connectivity speed, replace a significant number of computer workstations, upgrade wireless connectivity, and install SmartBoards. CITI's on-site staff includes Galen Wenger, Systems Administrator, David Dawson, Senior Systems Engineer, and Nate Meyer, Systems Administrator.

The installation will be complete by the School's opening bell, Tuesday, September 6th.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

US Geological Survey Visit July 15, 2010

Hydrologic Technicians from the U.S. Geological Survey, MD-DE-DC Water Science Center, examined the School's well on July 15th to determine if it would be suitable for inclusion in an aquifer monitoring project that the USGS has undertaken to study the Patuxent Aquifer.

Kelly Young, the School's Office Manager (on right), uncapped the well for the Technicians to examine.

Today, July 15th, the static water level was 46' below ground level.

The well is 290' deep. Bedrock is 289'.