In a normal year we might have residual touch-up painting, some custom carpentry, certainly trash removal and final cleaning before School opens. What a difference this year.
This morning there is a whole lot more going on. Paxton Van Lines is delivering our furniture and supplies from temporary storage, MC Dean is completing the electrical hookups, Roshal Construction Company is finalizing additional work on the plumbing connections, and Anchor Construction is preparing sidewalks, a pad for the trash dumpsters, and ramp access. Compliant Access Products, Cincinnati, Ohio, has arrived to deliver and place the stairs and handicap access ramps for the modular units. Our install team from Mobile Home Master Movers is completing the tie-downs for final structural inspection. Yesterday's earthquake was a good trial run; their straps and footings held up just fine. Mercer Contracting LLC is hard at work installing shelving and cubbies. BFPE International is running cable for the fire alarm system. Just another busy day.
Jason Gray, Head of School, and Chris Regan, Project Manager, keep their eyes on all the site-work.
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