Capitol Hill Day School Building Addition

Through the upcoming renovation of the Dent building, the School will realize a long term strategic goal of supporting and strengthening our programs by improving and updating our facility.

The School has established this blog to inform parents, friends, neighbors, and students of the status of the project. Please check the site often or subscribe to the RSS feed for notification of when new items are posted.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Neighborhood Forum Meetings

The School's Neighborhood Forum Meetings for 2009-2010 will be held as follows:

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Meetings will occur at the School in the Level 2 Foyer at 5:45 pm.

These Meetings are held in accordance with the School's use permit.

If you have any questions about the School, its operations, or safety concerns for our children or members of the community please call us at (202) 547-2244.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Dent School Addition Paused

The Board of Trustees, at its July 14, 2009 meeting, decided to place a "hold" on our planned addition to the School.

The economic downturn has placed enormous unforeseen obstacles to the project, changing our careful assumptions for fundraising, tuition and enrollment, and our borrowing capacity.

The need for space still exists and the addition we have planned remains our best hope to meet the needs of our educational program. Our fundraising campaign, "Making a Greater Dent," will continue to enhance our programs and grow the endowment with the expectation that we will restart the building project when the time is right.