Capitol Hill Day School Building Addition

Through the upcoming renovation of the Dent building, the School will realize a long term strategic goal of supporting and strengthening our programs by improving and updating our facility.

The School has established this blog to inform parents, friends, neighbors, and students of the status of the project. Please check the site often or subscribe to the RSS feed for notification of when new items are posted.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Progress Report, Well Drilling Friday, August 1st

Northern Virginia Drilling reached bedrock at 290 feet late Thursday evening. There appears to be approximately 55 feet of sand strata. The well should generate adequate water flow for the School's intended purposes. The firm will now pipe the well and perform several pump tests to generate data for the engineers at Bowman Consulting. Based on the test data Bowman will determine the size/capacity/functionality of the pumping equipment for the building addition. Thanks to Jack Miller, John Brown, and Kent Wilkes, our drilling team.

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