Capitol Hill Day School Building Addition

Through the upcoming renovation of the Dent building, the School will realize a long term strategic goal of supporting and strengthening our programs by improving and updating our facility.

The School has established this blog to inform parents, friends, neighbors, and students of the status of the project. Please check the site often or subscribe to the RSS feed for notification of when new items are posted.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Cranford Mechanical -- February 6, 2012

The School has contracted with Cranford Mechanical, Hyattsville, MD, to install the water tank reservoir for the School's fire surpression system. The tank will be buried between the School and the adjacent townhouse. Some of the play structure has been removed to permit excavation. Cranford has subbed this part of the project to Creative Pipe Solutions, Clinton, MD, and Chris Spargo, Field Supervisor, is on site manning the bulldozer and other heavy equipment.

Monarc has very carefully boxed our air condenser units to protect them from damage.

The blue shoring plates drop down as Chris excavates to prevent dirt from sliding back into the hole.

The play structure waiting to be re-installed.

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