Capitol Hill Day School Building Addition

Through the upcoming renovation of the Dent building, the School will realize a long term strategic goal of supporting and strengthening our programs by improving and updating our facility.

The School has established this blog to inform parents, friends, neighbors, and students of the status of the project. Please check the site often or subscribe to the RSS feed for notification of when new items are posted.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Construction Schedule July 18 - 22

Demolition will continue this week -- All of the interior framing, fixtures, plumbing, and partitions to the Dent Building have already been removed. Now Monarc is jack-hammering into the structure of the building to create the open spaces envisioned by our architects, cox graae + spaak. Concrete, bricks, and debris fly out of the School's rear windows into the dumpsters.

Monarc will also cut and pour footings for the new structural supports.

Middle photo credit: Jason Gray

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